Are we on?..........is this thing on?......
just jokin' with yah.
my pen name is David Charleston. oddly, his story inspires me. no, he is not a real person. he never lived, he never breathed. he is a fictional character from a book that i read once. man, i love that book. see, writing should make you feel something--should reach out and GRAB you by the ______ (shirt). i hope to that with this blog. with my blog. it feels weird saying "my blog." i have never created a blog before. i will to my utmost capacity to not be cliche about this. if i am, let me know in the comments section below. thanks guys. appreciate you reading this.....i really do.
sometimes i wonder, "is it wrong to feel angry sometimes?"
is it wrong to feel mad at the world?
mad at someone or something for causing you pain.
i have a tendency to question everything.
i enjoy doing it. it keeps me real. keeps my life interesting. see how i did that.
you may have questions too. if so, stick around. we have a lot of questioning to do.
by the way, la entrada does not mean anything in french. i just like the sound of it.